Sunday, July 28, 2013

THE HOTNESS: A Modern Teen Pride and Prejudice (chapter twenty-two: Chez Bingley)

Chapter Twenty-two
Chez Bingley
    Mackenzie met them at the door.
   “Hi Paige, I’m so glad you came,” she said, as if she wasn’t. “Did you walk all the way in bare feet?”
    “Well, that was very peasant-like of you,” Mackenzie smirked. “I texted Shiloh who got lost somewhere near the gazebo. I went and collected her in my car. That’s the kind of friend I am. She’s upstairs… cleaning up.” Paige turned to go.
     Mackenzie said under her breath, “By the way, I heard all about you and Rys Wickam in debate class…”
    Darcy’s expression changed from one of amusement to irritation. Mackenzie pressed on.
    “What did you say?”
    “I just said, I’ve heard Rys is really into you, Paige.”
    “Who told you that?”
    “Oh, nobody, just Wednesday, a little eighth grader I look after.”
     I shook my head behind Mackenzie.
    “I know who Wednesday is… she’s right there and she would never…”
     “It’s just that she’s seen you two together.”
     I nearly fainted and turned bright red as I glanced up from those napkins. I’d never talked about Paige and Shiloh directly to Mackenzie.
     “I heard he’s thinking of asking you to prom…”
    “Ah… I haven’t even thought about the prom.”
    Darcy’s expression altered from annoyed to extreme irritation as he slumped on the couch.
    “Mmm… well, I’m sure I could tell you a story or two about Rys Wickham if you’re interested.”
    Paige wasn’t. Even Ryan seemed embarrassed by his sister’s behavior.
    “No, Mackenzie, I’m sure she’s not,” he said, “Paige probably wants to go and see Shiloh. She’s been throwing up. She must’ve eaten something.”
   “I better go and see if she’s okay,” I said.
   “Sure, she’s upstairs, first room on the right. The maid knows the way.”
   Paige couldn’t believe Mackenzie’s family had staff, but the maid just rolled her eyes as if she’d known Mackenzie’s type for years and ushered Paige towards one of the many guest rooms along the never ending hallway.